Meetup Automotive Security Research Group Meeting 07: Analysis this... Security Analysis

The next meeting will be on 20.02.2018. The agenda is finally ready (see below) and I’m very excited about it. As always, we will discuss some of the Automotive Security topics in the news, give an update concerning ASRG and share topics in the group. Then we will have a special guest giving a presentation concerning Security Analysis

I’m always looking for new and exciting topics so please let me know if you would like to present something. AGENDA


Meeting 07: Analysis this… Security Analysis

Zum Event:
Eintritt frei! (Spenden an shack e.V. sind gerne gesehen)
Datum: Dienstag, 20. Februar 2018, 19 Uhr
Anfahrt: U4/U9 Haltestelle “Im Degen”, Ulmer Straße 255, Stuttgart Wangen (gegenüber Kulturhaus Arena)